I hope you have had a great Fourth of July! Things are HOT and muggy here on the Crystal Coast, so we have been indoors. Luckily we have had rain scattered throughout the week, so not much watering needed to be done.
Yard sales have been good this summer, so far. I have picked up some primitive/country/colonial items, quilt tops, pewter and such. We have a big population of retirees in our community. I haven't been to any estate sales in a couple of years.

We have worked hard in the back yard this spring re-mulching and putting out pine straw and creating new beds. This is the galvanized garden. They have really filled in over the past month with the rain we have had. I also purchased "twins" to go with momma lamb. I really enjoy them.
Hubby and won enclosed the patio with the fence and trellis. I added the other bed with lambs ear and day lilies. There is a clematis on the left which was a gift from my daughter. I expect it won't do much this year, but hopefully next year it will leap.
See the twins?
The family was sorting through some pictures recently. This is a picture of my Grandpa and Grandma Sutton on their wedding day in 1925. This is my Dad's parents, William and Delphia. My daughter is named after her grandmother.
Here they are in later years (1970's). They lived in Craigsville, WV.
Here is Grandma Sutton with her mother (front seated).
And her father.
Here is Grandpa (front left) with his Uncle Hyer, Aunt and cousin. I love her outfit.
Well I thought I had some newer pictures of the house, but I must have deleted them. So more to follow.
Y'all have a good summer. Stay cool!
Blessings ~